Persistent Systems, LLC announced that Tomahawk Robotics has joined the Wave Relay® Ecosystem, a rapidly growing industry alliance of unmanned system and sensor companies that use Persistent's Wave Relay® mobile ad hoc network (MANET) as their preferred network. As part of this agreement, Tomahawk Robotics will make its Kinesis, an Android™-based common control system for leading unmanned ground vehicles and unmanned aircraft systems, available for Persistent's MPU5 Android™-based MANET radio and Rugged Display and Controller (RDC). The MPU5 runs the Android operating system, enabling apps like Kinesis to be loaded directly onto the radio, while the RDC provides the touch screen, joysticks, and gamepad buttons in a formfactor the size of a commercial smartphone. Should the mission require, as in the case of finely manipulating the arm of a bomb disposal robot, the MPU5 and RDC can operate seamlessly with the Tomahawk Robotics Mimic spatial controller.