Peekaboo Beans Inc. share an update on the company's Peekabeans Subscription Service in collaboration with For Heroes Only. The company is set to launch their monthly adventure Subscription box, "The Peekabeans Club," in the US for August of this year after a successful test launch in Canada for their subscription program, entering the 10-billion-dollar subscription market space. The company is projecting $4.5 million in subscription box revenue by 2024 with 15,000 monthly subscriptions. In addition to expanding its market, PK Beans is excited to announce the launch of a new product expansion of Peekabeans Club, launching this holiday season. This program, "The Journey to Sleepy Town," as with The Peekabeans Club, is an experience designed by an Emmy Award winning child psychologist that brings the PK Beans clothing into an interactive experience that children and parents will love. This expansion project incorporates the same augmented reality experience, elements and characters seen in Season 1 of The Peekabeans Club, however, will be available as a stand-alone product package, focused on creating ease and structure to the bedtime routine. It will feature soft goods, digital technology, and storytelling, as well as interactive clothing designed to improve bedtime routines for families.