PCT LTD announces a joint effort to market and distribute its wholly owned subsidiary’s (PCTCorp.’s) Annihilyzer® Infection Control System, clarifies the study period for the hospital trial and testing in the United Kingdom, and announces new healthcare market website. PCTCorp.’s distributor/partner in the northeast, ACE Janitorial, has engaged an additional partner with many customers and expertise in supplying labor as a service company in the provision of cleaning and disinfecting systems and service in medical/healthcare/hospital facilities for the prevention of hospital acquired infections (HAI’s). The combined effort is to further promote PCTCorp.’s Annihilyzer® Infection Control Systems being deployed more quickly and to obtain more growth in this market. As a result of this new strategy, during the week of December 16th, 2019 PCTCorp. installed another Annihilyzer® system in one of the Service Company’s facilities as a phase one installation and recently the Service Company provided required quick response professional assistance to a northeastern area healthcare facility using PCTCorp.’s Annihilyzer® System.