Patient Access Solutions, Inc. announced that they are building out and managing, through their management group, PASHealth Management, a new medical facility in Long Island, NY. PASO continues to leverage its core competencies. In addition to strategic relations efforts PASO is aggressively moving forward into the exciting new area of Biological Mental health solutions. developing partnerships with cutting edge pioneers in the area of BMD treatments is yielding Insurance reimbursable and effective treatment options for depression, anxiety and other Billion dollar market indications. This facility, along with internal medicine, will specialize in modalities relevant to anxiety and depression, PTSD and other brain related symptoms. Using new technologies and therapies in the area of neuro informatics, the center will strive to be a “facility of excellence”. This facility, along with internal medicine, will specialize in modalities relevant to anxiety and depression, PTSD and other brain related symptoms. Using new technologies and therapies in the area of neuro informatics, the center will strive to be a “facility of excellence”. This is just one avenue for growth and income for the Company. Additional information to follow in the coming weeks regarding other growth and revenue opportunities.