Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. has appointed experienced pharmaceutical industry executive Mr. Marco Polizzi as its full-time Chief Executive Officer, effective 1 July 2022. Mr. Polizzi brings to Paradigm over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry in various commercially focused roles, including the creation of new divisions within branded and generic pharmaceutical businesses. In these roles, Mr. Polizzi achieved outstanding sales results, forged a multitude of license, asset purchase, and other agreements with multiple top 10 global pharmaceutical companies and numerous other business partners and generated significant returns for investors.

Mr. Polizzi has a proven track record that is highlighted by several successful business and product launches in the USA. These include a new Institutional (Hospital & Specialty Markets) business unit at Sandoz, driving the growth of a $900 million P&L, as well as directing commercial functions for a product launch (Bivalirudin) that achieved $100 million+ sales in its first year. The Paradigm Board thanks Dr. Donna Skerrett for her unwavering dedication and invaluable contribution to the Company's progress while she served as interim CEO.

Moving forward, Dr. Donna Skerrett with continue as CMO with a keen focus to successfully complete the global phase 3 clinical programs for ZilosulTM following the FDA's fast track designation protocol. During his career Mr. Polizzi established Mallinckrodt's Brand Pharmaceutical business unit from scratch, growing it from 0 products and 0 to 148 employees, and building it to~$200M Net Sales & ~$100 million in Operating Income. This business is now a multi- billion-dollar revenue division of Mallinckrodt.

Before starting Mallinckrodt's branded business unit, Marco was a lead executive in driving and executing the phenomenal growth of Mallinckrodt's Generic Pharmaceutical business from $8M to $800M to become the 5th largest Generic company in the U.S. for pain management products. He developed a new Institutional (Hospital & Specialty Markets) business unit at Sandoz, leading growth from 2 to 40 team members, and driving growth of a $900 million P&L, while directing all commercial functions for a product launch that achieved $100 million+ sales in its first year (Bivalirudin). Mr. Polizzi successfully led the process for several dozen U.S. and International Pharma strategic license and acquisitions, from identification of target companies, negotiations, and due diligence through execution.

Evaluated hundreds of prospective M&A, licensing, or acquisition transactions throughout his career. He was also able to achieve a CAGR of 35% during his first two years at JHP Pharmaceutical's (from $62 million to $115 million) following the previous 2-year period of single digit growth. Created a new generic commercial division.

JHP Pharma was eventually purchased by Par/Endo.