Panther Metals Ltd. announced the appointment of Mr. Simon Acomb as Joint Company Secretary. The appointment of Mr. Acomb follows the resignation of Mr. Ranko Matic from Joint Company Secretary role. Mr. Matic otherwise continues in his position as Executive Director of the Company.

Mr. Acomb is an employee of Consilium Corporate Pty Ltd, who provide services to Panther under a consultancy agreement, and has been undertaking the role of Assistant CFO for Panther since its listing in December 2021. Mr. Acomb is currently the CFO of Cavalier Resources Limited. Mr. Acomb is a Chartered Accountant with over 8 years?

experience in the areas of accounting, external audit and corporate governance. He has a Bachelor of Commerce and Graduate Diploma in Applied Corporate Governance & Risk Management. The current Company Secretary, Mr. Damon Cox, continues in that role.