OPAP S.A., pursuant to Law 3340/2005, Law 3556/2007 and Capital Market Commission's decision No. 3/347/12.07.2005, announces that under the "obligation of transactions notification"   the following liable persons informed the company on the following:

·       Mr. Michal Houst, Executive BoD member & CFO, purchased on 28.01.2015, 5,500 company shares, of a total value of Euro 40,425.

·       Mr. Pavel Horak, B' Vice-Chairman, Non-Executive BoD Member, purchased on 28.01.2015, 12,000 company shares, of a total value of Euro 88,541.

·       Mrs. Marie Hrdinova, related person to Mr. Pavel Horak, B' Vice-Chairman, Non-Executive BoD Member, purchased on 28.01.2015, 12,000 company shares, of a total value of Euro 84,000.

·       Mr. Nikos Polymenakos, Head of Investor Relations, purchased on 29.01.2015, 300 company shares, of a total value of Euro 2,097.



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