Omnicell, Inc. announced that WellStar Health System has selected the company's automated medication management solutions and analytics tools for its hospital floors, central pharmacy, and operating rooms across the system. The technology, including Omnicell's recently introduced XT Series automated medication dispensing system, will help to streamline provider workflows while ensuring the level of safety for the communities WellStar serves. Ensuring medications are managed safely and appropriately without adding additional layers of complexity to staff workflows is a key goal when evaluating new medication automation technology. Hospitals are now looking to invest in technologies that increase provider satisfaction, selecting those that reduce the burden of administrative tasks and allow providers to spend more time on patient care. Through interoperability with WellStar's electronic health record systems, the Omnicell® automated dispensing system will help to improve the medication administration process for nursing staff by reducing redundant activity. To assist with safe storage, dissemination, and tracking of medications from the central pharmacy to patient administration, WellStar is implementing the new Omnicell XT Automated Dispensing Cabinets on hospital floors, the XT Anesthesia Workstation in operating rooms, and Controlled Substance Manager in the central pharmacy, as well as analytics tools. In addition, WellStar purchased both i.v.SOFT® semi-automated and i.v.STATION™ fully automated IV solutions to improve accuracy of compounded medications prepared on-site. Together, these technologies will aid in reducing medication errors and drug diversion.