NYAB Malardalen has signed a contract with the Swedish Transport Administration regarding a project to widening a stretch of the road 261, Ekerovagen in Stockholm, between Finnbo and Karson, that needs to be immediately completed. NYAB takes over after the Swedish Transport Administration in January 2024 terminated the contract with the previous contractor. NYAB will now quickly start completing the remaining parts for this important part of Ekero's new and improved infrastructure.

The three-lane Ekerovagen will have an additional lane, intended for public transport during rush hours. Ekerovagen passes through both a natural and cultural historically area, which comes with certain demands on the project. A large part of the area where the work will take place constitutes national cultural and historical interest due to environmental legislation, because among other things Drottningholm Castle, which is a national building monument and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located there.

The project is an execution contract and is expected to be completed in 2025. The value is estimated at approximately SEK 150 million - SEK 200 million.