SHKL Group Limited entered into an agreement to acquire an additional 5.26% stake in NSX Limited (ASX:NSX) from The Financial and Energy Exchange Ltd., Fex Equity Markets Pty Limited, Iron Mountain Pty Limited and Vitron Werkbund Sud Australasia Pty. Ltd. on January 5, 2016. under the terms of agreement, SHKL will acquire, 7.2 million unconditional shares and 0.56 million conditional shares.

Post acquisition, SHKL will own 23.73 million shares after the transaction. Completion of the sale and purchase of the conditional shares is conditional upon the seller completing the sale of a remaining 68.6 million shares to the specific identified unconnected buyers procured by the Lead Manager and is under Law of New South Wales. Deal for unconditional shares will close on on January 22, 2016 and conditional shares will close on March 28, 2016.

As on January 19, 2016, SHKL Group Limited completed the acquisition of an additional 4.9% stake in NSX Limited (ASX:NSX) from The Financial and Energy Exchange Ltd., Fex Equity Markets Pty Limited, Iron Mountain Pty Limited and Vitron Werkbund Sud Australasia Pty. Ltd. DG International Co., Limited acted as lead manager for SHKL.