NovAccess Global Inc. announced it has submitted a provisional patent for new intellectual property developed at Cedars-Sinai to advance the Company's immunotherapy platform. The patent pertains to the use of a specific protein, known as IDH1, which helps facilitate metabolism in cells in order to more effectively fight aggressive brain and other cancer cells. The Company plans to use this patent to predict a patient's likely response to vaccine/immunotherapy during treatment for highly malignant brain tumors, such glioblastoma.

IDH1 is commonly mutated in brain and other tumors. Groundbreaking research published by Dr. Chris Wheeler, President and lead scientist of NovAccess Global subsidiary StemVax, LLC, has shown that IDH1 discerns long-term from short-term survivors after vaccine therapy in patients with brain tumors such as glioblastoma. Use of IDH1 as such a predictor will help deliver TLR-AD1 to patients most likely to benefit from it and thereby improve treatment outcomes.

With this patent filing, NovAccess Global effectively doubles its patent portfolio, and intends to support the development of IDH1 as a predictor of success for TRL-AD1, its immunotherapy for malignant brain tumors that in 2022 received Orphan Drug designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Company will now coordinate with the FDA for a pre-investigational new drug meeting to determine how best to co-develop IDH1 and TLR-AD1.