VBL Therapeutics announced that it has completed enrollment in the GLOBE Phase 3 study evaluating the efficacy of its lead candidate ofranergene obadenovec (VB-111) in patients with recurrent glioblastoma (rGBM). Enrollment in the study, 256 patients in total, has been completed five months ahead of schedule. VBL has also received FDA approval for adjustments in the GLOBE protocol.  These major modifications relate to the triggers for the interim and final analyses. The SPA covering GLOBE remains in place. Originally, the interim analysis in GLOBE was to be conducted after 91 deaths. The modified protocol specifies that it will be conducted after 105 deaths, and after 50% of the patients have more than 12 months potential follow up, whichever occurs later. The final analysis will be conducted at 189 deaths (75% of events), versus the original planned for 151 deaths (60% of events). These adjustments to the GLOBE protocol are intended to provide better powering and increase the probability for a clearer efficacy signal. Given the fast recruitment pace and completion of recruitment ahead of schedule, the company continues to expect that the interim analysis will occur in mid-2017 and that the top-line results from the full dataset will be available in early 2018.