TSX Symbol: MDN

MDN corporate restructuring focused on exploration in Tanzania

Montreal, January 28, 2013 - Serge Savard, Chairman of the Board of MDN Inc. ("MDN"), is pleased to announce a corporate restructuring of MDN in connection with its exploration activities and the future development of the Crevier project.(CMI)

For 2013, the Company will focus all of its exploration efforts on Tanzania, primarily the Ikungu gold project. The Crevier niobium-tantalum project will be developed through Crevier Minerals Inc. (CMI), a private company 72.5% owned by MDN and 27.5% by Niobec Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Iamgold Corporation.
"This reorganization was called for given the extremely difficult market for junior exploration companies that have restricted access to capital for more than two years," Mr. Savard mentioned that this will allow us to better allocate our current human and financial resources while reducing overall administrative expenses significantly. We will very carefully use a portion of our cash to continue exploring in Tanzania, but MDN will no longer provide funding for the Crevier project development, which will now come from other sources. Payroll, including directors' compensation, have been cut by about 40% at the beginning of the third quarter of
2012. As of December 31, 2012, MDN had approximately $3.5 million in cash and no debt."

Appointment of a New President and Chief Executive Officer

The MDN management team will be restructured to support the business plan. Serge Bureau, who currently acts as President and Chief Executive Officer for both MDN and CMI, will relinquish the presidency of MDN February 1, 2013, but retains the presidency of CMI and will focus solely on CMI's development. His goals will be to: