Nimy Resources Limited announced receipt of soil assays processed at Labwest using ultrafine analysis. This is related to soil samples collected at the Mons Carbonatite Prospect. Carbonatite Prospect 2 lines reported for a total of 40 samples.

Line 6689100 ­ 19 samples along the northern rim of the pipe like carbonatite structure. Elevated TREO (total rare earth oxides) lanthanide sample at eastern portion of the line, aligned with NE -SW strike of the low magnetic core with TREO of 78ppm vs TREO mean @ 40ppm (remainder of line) Line 6688300 ­ 21 samples within the carbonatite structure. Coherent elevated TREO lanthanides coincident with the low magnetic core (TREO mean @ 65ppm, maximum value at 86ppm vs outside the core TREO mean @ 36ppm, maximum value at 48ppm).

Calcium, magnesium, potassium anomaly across the low magnetic core coincident with elevated TREO. Lithium, rubidium anomaly coincident with high magnetic body east of the low magnetic core. Elevated niobium adjacent to the low magnetic core.

The interpreted Mons Carbonatite Prospect was previously reported on the November 08, 22 (Carbonatite prospect targeted for Rare Earth Elements) and the December 19, 22 (Carbonatite Pipe Structure Intact to 1.5km). An initial soil sampling program using ultrafine analysis has been conducted to ascertain the geochemical signature at the surface. Two lines of soil sampling were collected (Figure 2).

The first (line 6,689,100) sampling the northern perimeter of the structure, the second (line 6,688,300) sampled across the centre of the structure. Line 6,689,100 recorded a REO geochemical anomaly at the eastern end of the line and notably there is an elevated calcium sample coinciding with the REO. In direct comparison line 6,668,300 recorded elevated anomalies of calcium, potassium and magnesium along with elevated total rare earth oxides including praseodymium and neodymium directly above the interpreted low magnetic core of the structure.

Elevated niobium, lithium and rubidium were recorded travelling east as the sample line moved over a higher magnetic response. The result of the first batch of soil samples matches a typical geochemical signature found in carbonatites with the core elevated in calcium, magnesium and potassium, the niobium is offset from the core and if enriched rare earth element zones are present can be found within the pipe like structure offset from the core. The use of ultrafine analysis is considered an excellent first pass sampling technique particularly in areas with little or no outcropping and transported cover.

The changes in geochemistry across the sampling lines appear to be coincident with the underlying geophysical signatures. The area will now be subject for further soil sampling to complete the surface geochemical signature map along with select RC drill holes to test at depth and collect further geochemical and structural information.