Nicox S.A. announced the appointment of the highly experienced healthcare executive, non-executive Director/Chair and advisor Damian Marron as Chair of the Board of Directors. Marc Le Bozec, an experienced life sciences entrepreneur, is also appointed as a new Director of Nicox. Both Damian Marron and Marc Le Bozec are independent Directors in accordance with the criteria set out by the recommendation 3 of the Middlenext Governance Code.

Jean-François Labbe is retiring as Chair and member of the Board, at the completion of his term. Les Kaplan has also decided to step down from the Board. Both Jean-Francois Labbé and Les Kaplan have contributed many years of service as Directors of Nicox.

Damian Marron is a seasoned executive, 4-time CEO, Chair, non-executive Board Member and company advisor with a proven track record in value creation through public funding, venture capital, portfolio planning, mergers and acquisitions, and license agreements, as well as R&D collaborations. He has extensive experience in both executive and independent administrator roles, with a specialization in immuno-oncology, cellular therapy, and orphan diseases. He is currently Chair of the Board of Directors for Circio Holding ASA, Imophoron Ltd, and Indegra Therapeutics Ltd. Marc Le Bozec is a life sciences entrepreneur with a strong background in finance, organization and strategic consulting.

As CFO of Cellectis, he led its IPO in Paris in 2007 and raised ?120 million from 2006 to 2013. He then redirected the company Cytoo towards human muscle research, leading to FDA validation and becoming a key shareholder of the company. After nine years as a professional investor, notably as fund manager at Financière Arbevel, he resumed consulting and also founded Neurodyx in January 2024 to advance neuro-inflammation research.

Nicox's Board of Directors is composed as follows: Damian Marron, Chair of the Board and Independent Director, Gavin Spencer, Chief Executive Officer and Director, Michele Garufi, Co-Founder and Director, Marc le Bozec, Independent Director.