PickleJar Entertainment Group announced the launch of its digital marketing services solution, FanVivo?, to assist artists and venues connect with new fans and create a more engaging experience for existing ones. FanVivo? was designed to help PickleJar Network Partners enhance their online presence, seamlessly connect performances and content, sell products online, and make it easier for artists and venues to market to their fans overall. This new line of business furthers PickleJar?s commitment to maximizing the live entertainment experience throughout its platform ecosystem.

Within this new service offering, PickleJar now offers the use of their customized WordPress plugin to seamlessly connect all information on both the PickleJar Live app to the artist or venue websites. Additionally, artists and venues will work directly with PickleJar Brand Managers who will provide monthly brand advisory services including analytics and analysis, campaign management and editorial calendar consultation. The FanVivo?

Services will include the following: Website Design and Management. Secure domain hosting, customized website design and development, search engine optimization (SEO) and self-service capabilities including search engine marketing (SEM), and performance-specific content. Digital Marketing.

On-site event banners, digital ad design, Google pay-per-click advertising and social network advertising with specific landing pages for campaign performance monitoring. Social Commerce. Artists and venues sell products and services online, including ticketing, merch and promotional offers.

The all-in-one solution empowers industry professionals with transactional, financial, and operational software solutions to connect and monetize each touchpoint of fan engagement.