The board of New Talisman Gold Mines announced the results of ongoing activity at the Talisman Mine Project. Regular extraction activities are now in place on the northern extension of the Mystery Vein and the face of the drive has now been advanced a further 6.1m, exposing an extension of the vein which averages 0.9m in width. Testing of the resue mining method, where the vein and associated waste material are extracted in separate cuts, is proving successful with the primary extraction of the vein achieving a clean break on the contact between the vein and host rock. This enables the vein material to be loaded separately from the waste and maximize the grade of ore trammed to the run of mine stockpile. Eight tonnes of ore has been removed from the face and the results of regular in stream sampling have identified gold grades ranging from 6.2/t Au to 18.2g/t Au for an average of 11.9g/t Au. Silver ranges from 23.0g/t Ag to 37g/t Ag for an average of 28.3g/t Ag.