National Bank of Greece SA, Alpha Bank A.E., Eurobank Ergasias S.A. and Attica Bank S.A. January 4, 2013 expressed interest in TT Hellenic Postbank S.A., which the government is seeking to sell to meet its EU-IMF bailout obligations. National Bank, Alpha Bank and Eurobank all confirmed a "conditional" and "initial" interest while Attica Bank did not attach conditions. National Bank said its main preoccupation was a planned merger with Eurobank but acknowledged that its "conditional" interest in the postal savings bank "has not ceased." "In regard to press reports, Alpha Bank confirms its initial interest in the Hellenic Postbank, without, at present, being able, as per the law and contractual provisions, to provide any further information," Alpha Bank said.

Eurobank said that it is interested "under certain conditions". Attica Bank refused Agence France Presse to provide details "due to a confidentiality agreement signed with the Bank of Greece."