Multibax Public Company Limited at its AGM held on April 8, 2021, resolved to approve allocate as dividends distribution from the retained earnings and the business operation of the fiscal 2020 at the rate of THB 0.88 per share, and whereas the Company has made the interim dividends payment from the retained earnings and the business operation period 1 January - 30 June 2020 at the rate of THB 0.32 on 10 September 2020, therefore, the balance of the dividends shall be paid from the retained earnings and the business operation period of 1 July - 31 December 2020 shall be at the rate of THB 0.56 per share which to be the total sum of THB 107,461,279 from the total issued ordinary share of 191,895,141 shares. The Company shall set up a list of eligible Shareholders to receive the dividend payment at the rate THB 0.56 per share on 22nd April 2021 and shall pay its dividends to the shareholders on 7th May 2021.