Moho Resources Limited provide a brief but important update on the recent RC drilling to follow up a coincidental Ni-Cu soil anomaly at the T4 target area within the Silver Swan North project. The Silver Swan North is located 40km north of Kalgoorlie in WA and is 5km west of the Silver Swan nickel mine. This phase of drilling was designed to further unlock the nickel potential of the Silver Swan North Project and reflects the Company's commitment to comprehensively test the project area for komatiite hosted nickel sulphides.

Ni Target area T4 is located approximately 5km to the west of the Silver Swan Nickel mine. The area had been tested with RAB drilling by NiQuest more than 17 years ago and several coincidental Ni-Cu intersection anomalies have not been properly followed up. Three holes were completed at T4 with the two southern-most holes intersecting 80 to 100m of spinifex and cumulate textured komatiite.

Hole SSMH0157 was abandoned when excessive water inflow made the sump overflow. Sampling was conducted with 3m composites collected from the rig's cyclone, matching the 6m rod changes. Sulphide mineralised intersections have been tested with pXRF in the field at 1m intervals.

A total of 91 readings haven been taken from 420m of drill samples (21.7%) The results have been analysed in relation to the occurrence of coincidental Ni and Cu.