February 7, 2022

For Immediate Release

Real Estate Investment Trust Securities Issuer

1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation


Ken Takanashi, Executive Director

(Securities Code: 3481)

Asset Management Company

Mitsubishi Jisho Investment Advisors, Inc.


Haruhiko Araki, President & CEO


Ken Takanashi, Director, General Manager,

Logistics REIT Management Department

TEL: +81-3-3218-0030

Notice Concerning Revisions to Forecast for the Fiscal Period Ending August 31, 2022, and

Forecast for the Fiscal Period Ending February 28, 2023

Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation ("MEL") announces today revisions to its forecast for the fiscal period ending August 31, 2022 (March 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022) as noted in "Summary of Financial Results for the Fiscal Period Ended August 31, 2021 (REIT)" announced on October 15, 2021. In addition, MEL announces today its new forecast for the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023 (September 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023). The revisions and calculations are described below. For the avoidance of doubt, there is no change in the forecast for the fiscal period ending February 28, 2022 (September 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022) as noted in "Summary of Financial Results for the Fiscal Period Ended August 31, 2021 (REIT)" announced on October 15, 2021.

1. Reasons for Revision and Announcement

A resolution was passed at MEL's board of directors meeting held today concerning the issuance of new investment units to appropriate the portion of funds for acquiring the Two New Properties (as defined in "Assets Under Management" in Attachment 1, "Forecast Assumptions for the Fiscal Periods Ending August 31, 2022 and February 28, 2023."). The forecast of operating results for the fiscal period ending August 31, 2022, announced on October 15, 2021, has been revised due to the changes in the assumptions underlying the calculation of estimated operating revenues, which are expected to change by 10% or more, estimated operating income, which are expected to change by 30% or more, and estimated distributions per unit, which are expected to change by 5% or more.

In addition, MEL announces today a new forecast of operating results for the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023, based on the assumptions described below.

2. Revised Forecast for the Fiscal Period Ending August 31, 2022, and Announcement of Forecast for the Fiscal Period Ending February 28, 2023

  1. Details of the Revised Forecast for the Fiscal Period Ending August 31, 2022 (12th fiscal period) (March 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022)












per Unit

per Unit

per Unit

(Millions of

(Millions of

(Millions of


(including SCD)






of yen)


SCD) (Yen)










Forecast (A)









Forecast (B)

Net Change










Note:This press release has been prepared for the purpose of announcing to the public certain matters relating to the revisions to the forecast for the fiscal period ending August 31, 2022, and forecast for the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023, and has not been prepared for the purpose of soliciting investment. Investors are asked to ensure that they read the prospectus for the issuance of new investment units, as well as any amendments thereto, prepared by MEL before they invest and that they make decisions on investment at their own discretion.


Rate of










Note: SCD stands for the "surplus cash distributions". The same shall apply hereinafter.

  1. Details of the Forecast for the Fiscal Period Ending February 28, 2023 (13th fiscal period) (September 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023)












per Unit

per Unit

per Unit

(Millions of

(Millions of

(Millions of








of yen)

SCD) (Yen)

SCD) (Yen)

Forecast for

the Fiscal










February 28,


(13th fiscal



Fiscal period ending August 31, 2022 : Expected number of investment units outstanding at the end of the period : 449,935 units;

Expected Net income per unit: 6,574 yen

Fiscal period ending February 28, 2023 : Expected number of investment units outstanding at the end of the period

  • 449,935 units;
    Expected Net income per unit: 6,890 yen


  1. The forecast information is calculated based on the assumptions described in Attachment 1, "Forecast Assumptions for the Fiscal Periods Ending August 31, 2022 and February 28, 2023". Actual operating revenues, operating income, ordinary income, net income, distributions per unit (including surplus cash distributions), distributions per unit (excluding surplus cash distributions) and surplus cash distributions per unit may vary due to acquisitions or dispositions of properties etc., changes in rent revenues attributable to tenant replacements etc., changes in the property management environment due to unexpected repairs etc., changes in interest rates, the actual number of new units issued and the issue price of such units, or the issuance of additional investment units etc. These forecasts should not be deemed a commitment or guarantee of the amount of cash distributions and surplus cash distributions.
  2. These forecasts may be revised if a substantial variation from the current forecast information is anticipated.
  3. The figures are rounded down to the nearest million yen or yen, and ratios are rounded to the nearest tenth.

For more information about Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation, please visit: https://mel-reit.co.jp/en/

Note:This press release has been prepared for the purpose of announcing to the public certain matters relating to the revisions to the forecast for the fiscal period ending August 31, 2022, and forecast for the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023, and has not been prepared for the purpose of soliciting investment. Investors are asked to ensure that they read the prospectus for the issuance of new investment units, as well as any amendments thereto, prepared by MEL before they invest and that they make decisions on investment at their own discretion.


Forecast Assumptions for the Fiscal Periods Ending August 31, 2022 and February 28, 2023



Fiscal period ending August 31, 2022 (12th fiscal period): From March 1, 2022 to

Accounting Period

August 31, 2022 (184 days)

Fiscal period ending February 28, 2023 (13th fiscal period): From September 1, 2022

to February 28, 2023 (181 days)

It is assumed that MEL will acquire the real estate trust beneficiary interests in two

new properties (the "Two New Properties") on March 1, 2022, in addition to its 22

properties (the "Current Properties") it holds as of today.

For details about the Two New Properties, please refer to the press release "Notice

Concerning Acquisition of Domestic Real Estate Trust Beneficiary Interests and Lease

Contracts with New Tenants," dated today. It is also assumed that there will be no

Assets Under

change in the operational status of the properties


after the scheduled


acquisitions on March 1, 2022 up until February 28, 2023. Changes include acquisitions

of new properties and dispositions of existing properties.

LOGIPORT Kawasaki Bay (45% trust beneficiary co-ownership interest) and Logicross

Atsugi II

The actual results may change due to the acquisition of new properties in addition to

the Two New Properties or the disposition of existing properties, etc.

Operating rental revenues take into account factors such as market trends and the

competitiveness, etc. of each property based on information provided by the current

owner or the current beneficial owner etc. (the "Current Beneficiary, Etc.") of the Two

Operating Revenues

New Properties and information about the Current Properties held by Mitsubishi Jisho

Investment Advisors, Inc. (the "Asset Management Company")

It is assumed that tenants will not be delinquent on or withhold rental payments.

It is assumed that there is no gain or loss on sale of real estate.

Main items regarding operating expenses are as follows:

(Millions of yen)

Fiscal Period

Fiscal Period

Ending August 31,

Ending February


28, 2023

Total Operating Rental Expenses



Operational Management Fee



Utilities Cost



Repair and Maintenance



Property Taxes






Total General and Administrative Expenses



Operating Expenses

Asset Management Fee



Sponsor Support Fee



Of operating rental expenses, which is the main operating expense, expenses except

depreciation are calculated by taking into account various factors based on historical

data provided by the Current Beneficiary, Etc., in the case of the Two New Properties,

and historical data after acquisition in the case of the Current Properties.

In general, property taxes and city planning taxes are calculated on a pro-rata basis of

the calendar year, and settled at the time of acquisition. However, in the case of the

transactions conducted by MEL, the amounts equivalent to the relevant settlement

amounts are included in the purchase price, and accordingly, with respect to the Two

New Properties, the property taxes and city planning taxes for the fiscal year 2022 will

not be expensed during the fiscal periods ending August 31, 2022 and February 28,

2023 in the case of settlement at time of property acquisition. Property taxes and city

Note:This press release has been prepared for the purpose of announcing to the public certain matters relating to the revisions to the forecast for the fiscal period ending August 31, 2022, and forecast for the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023, and has not been prepared for the purpose of soliciting investment. Investors are asked to ensure that they read the prospectus for the issuance of new investment units, as well as any amendments thereto, prepared by MEL before they invest and that they make decisions on investment at their own discretion.


planning taxes for the Two New Properties will be expensed starting from the fiscal

period ending August 31, 2023.

For building repair expenses, the amount assumed to be necessary for each property

is based on the mid-to-long term repair and maintenance plans prepared by the Asset

Management Company. However, due to the possibility that emergency repair

expenses may be incurred as a result of unexpected damage to the building, the fact

that the amount of the repair expenses generally varies greatly from year to year, and

the fact that repair expenses are not regularly incurred, it is possible that the amount

of the repair expenses for each fiscal period may differ substantially from the

anticipated amount.

For the fiscal period ending August 31, 2022, it is assumed that 374 million yen will be

incurred as non-operating expenses, which includes 179 million yen for interest


expenses and other debt-related costs and 195 million yen in relation to the offerings

of the new investment units.


For the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023, it is assumed that 178 million yen will

be incurred as non-operating expenses, which will be used for interest expenses and

other debt-related costs.

The balance of MEL's interest-bearing debt on an accounting basis as of today is

58,374 million yen.

It is assumed that, on March 1, 2022, MEL will obtain a loan of up to 24,100 million

yen for the purpose of allocating a portion of such funds to acquire the Two New

Properties described in "Assets Under Management" above. In addition, it is assumed

that MEL will obtain a third-party allotment loan of 1,100 million yen on March 1, 2022

for the purpose of allocating a portion of such funds to acquire the Two New

Properties, which it plans to repay in full using the proceeds from the third-party

allotment or cash reserves.

It is assumed that 3,310 million yen in long-term borrowings due on September 14,

2022 will be refinanced in full.

It is assumed that MEL will receive a consumption tax refund for the fiscal period

Interest-bearing Debt

ending August 31, 2022 during the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023, which will

be used to repay in full 2,000 million yen in consumption borrowings to be obtained

on March 1, 2022 during the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023.

As a result, the total expected amount of interest-bearing debt at the end of the fiscal

periods ending August 31, 2022 and February 28, 2023 is estimated to be 81,374

million yen and 79,374 million yen, respectively.

LTV at the end of the fiscal periods ending August 31, 2022 and February 28, 2023 is

estimated to be 35.6% and 35.0%, respectively. For LTV calculation, please refer to the

following formula. The ratios are rounded to the nearest tenth:

LTV (%) = interest-bearing debt/total assets ×100 (%)

However, the total expected amount of interest-bearing debt and the actual LTV may

differ considerably from this assumption, depending on the final number of

investment units to be issued and the final issue amount.

It is assumed that, in addition to the 391,135 investment units that are issued and

outstanding as of today, all of the 58,800 investment units to be newly issued, which

will comprise 56,000 investment units to be issued through a primary offering based

on a resolution at MEL's board of directors meeting held today and 2,800 investment

units (maximum) through a third-party allotment, will be issued.

Investment Units

In addition to the above, it is assumed that there will be no change to the number of

investment units through new issuance of investment units by the end of the fiscal

period ending February 28, 2023 or by other means.

Distributions per unit (excluding surplus cash distributions) and surplus cash

distributions per unit for the fiscal periods ending August 31, 2022 and February 28,

2023 are calculated based on 449,935 investment units, which is the total number of

investment units expected to be issued and outstanding at the end of the fiscal

Note:This press release has been prepared for the purpose of announcing to the public certain matters relating to the revisions to the forecast for the fiscal period ending August 31, 2022, and forecast for the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023, and has not been prepared for the purpose of soliciting investment. Investors are asked to ensure that they read the prospectus for the issuance of new investment units, as well as any amendments thereto, prepared by MEL before they invest and that they make decisions on investment at their own discretion.


periods ending August 31, 2022 and February 28, 2023, including 58,800 investment

units, which is the maximum number of the investment units to be newly issued

according to the above.

Distributions per unit (excluding surplus cash distributions) are calculated based on

the assumption that the distributions will be distributed in accordance with the

Distributions Per Unit

distribution policy of the Articles of Incorporation of MEL.

(excluding surplus

Distributions per unit (excluding surplus cash distributions) may change due to various

cash distributions)

factors including any additional acquisitions or dispositions of properties, changes in

rent revenues attributable to tenant replacements, changes in the property

management environment including unexpected repair etc.

Surplus cash distributions per unit are calculated based on the assumption that the

cash distributions will be distributed in accordance with the fund distribution policy of

the Articles of Incorporation of MEL. It is therefore assumed that, for the fiscal period

ending August 31, 2022, 329 million yen as ongoing surplus cash distributions (an

amount equivalent to 30% of depreciation of the period) will be distributed. It is also

assumed that, for the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023, 332 million yen as

ongoing surplus cash distributions (an amount equivalent to 30% of depreciation of

the period) will be distributed. These are investment refunds categorized as a

distribution from unitholders' capital for tax purposes and there are no refunds from

the distribution of the allowance for temporary difference adjustments.

The amount of depreciation expenses may change depending on the amount of total

assets under management, ancillary costs, capital expenditure, the allocation method

of purchase price for each asset and depreciable life, etc. Surplus cash distributions,

which will be based on the amount of depreciation expenses, may change accordingly.

MEL may implement cash distributions in excess of the distributable amount to

unitholders based on the financial statements related to cash distribution approved

under the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations (Act No. 198 of June

4, 1951, as amended) if the board of directors of MEL deems such distribution to be

appropriate (1) in light of the economic environment, real estate market, leasing

market or other trends; (2) when the amount of income fails to meet the amount

Surplus Cash

equivalent to 90% of distributable income; (3) when the distribution amount fails to

meet the requirements for the Special Provisions for Taxation on Investment

Distributions Per Unit

Corporations; or (4) in other ways to maximize the interests of unitholders. When MEL

implements cash distributions in excess of the distributable amount, the distribution

is limited to the total amount of income for the relevant operating period and the

amount set forth under laws and ordinances (including the rules of the Investment

Trusts Association, Japan, etc.)

Currently, MEL intends to target a level of surplus cash distributions on an ongoing

basis at an amount equivalent to approximately 30% of the depreciation expense for

the relevant fiscal period.

Furthermore, to maintain the stability of MEL's distributions per unit in the event that

the amount of distributions per unit temporarily decreases due to a series of financing

activities such as an issuance of new investment units or large-scale repair and

maintenance, which may result in a temporary dilution of investment units or

incurrence of large expenses, MEL may make distributions as one-time surplus cash

distributions. However, MEL may decide not to make any surplus cash distributions in

a fiscal period based on a consideration of factors such as the economic environment

or trends in the real estate market and the leasing market, the status of the held

properties, and MEL's financial condition.

In addition, in the event that MEL needs to allocate its cash to emergency capital

expenditures for unexpected damages on MEL's assets, etc., surplus cash distributions

per unit may be reduced. In order to continue stable financial management, MEL does

not plan to pay surplus cash distributions where such payment would cause the

Appraisal LTV (Note), as defined below, to exceed 60%.

Note:This press release has been prepared for the purpose of announcing to the public certain matters relating to the revisions to the forecast for the fiscal period ending August 31, 2022, and forecast for the fiscal period ending February 28, 2023, and has not been prepared for the purpose of soliciting investment. Investors are asked to ensure that they read the prospectus for the issuance of new investment units, as well as any amendments thereto, prepared by MEL before they invest and that they make decisions on investment at their own discretion.


This is an excerpt of the original content. To continue reading it, access the original document here.


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Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation published this content on 07 February 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 07 February 2022 06:47:10 UTC.