The board of directors of Midland Holdings Limited announced the following change of directors of the Company. Ms. IP Kit Yee, Kitty has informed the Board that she would not be seeking to renew her appointment as a Non-Executive Director upon expiry of her existing term of appointment on 27 November 2017 in order to devote more time to her other personal commitments. Her resignation as a Non-Executive Director will therefore be effective from 28 November 2017. Ms. IP has confirmed that she has no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter relating to her resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company. Mr. WONG Wing Cheung Dennis ("Mr. Dennis WONG") has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director with effect from 28 November 2017. Mr. Dennis WONG, is a Chartered Structural Engineer and a Chartered Building Surveyor, and holds a Bachelor Degree of Science in Civil Engineering. He is currently the director of Pruden Holdings Limited which has subsidiaries carrying on, among others, building surveying services, property valuation services, property management services and real estate agency services. Mr. Dennis WONG has extensive experience in consultancy services with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and various reputable organizations in the private sector in areas of building design and engineering, project management and property development planning. Mr. Dennis WONG is an Authorised Person, a fellow member of The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, and a professional member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Institution of Structural Engineers and the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He is also the panel member of Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal Panel and the Chairman of Professional Building Surveying Consultants Association of Hong Kong. The term of appointment of Mr. Dennis WONG as a Non-Executive Director is one year commencing from 28 November 2017, subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at the annual general meeting of the Company in accordance with the bye-laws of the Company.