Mentor Medier AS entered into an agreement to acquire Morgenbladet AS from NHST Media Group AS (OTCNO:NHST) for NOK 40 million on June 2, 2020. Under the terms of the agreement, Mentor Medier will acquire all the shares of NHST Media in Morgenbladet. Morgenbladet reported a turnover of NOK 75 million in 2019. Publisher of Morgenbladet, Sun Heidi Sæbø, will join Mentor Medier's executive management team. The transaction is subject to formal due diligence, as well as clarification of issues related to pre-emptive rights.

Mentor Medier AS completed the acquisition of Morgenbladet AS from NHST Media Group AS (OTCNO:NHST) on June 30, 2020.