Mears commended for creating opportunities for young people

Mears Group have been congratulated by Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, today as one of the leading companies in opening their doors to young people from all walks of life.

Mears is named as one of the signatories to the Business Compact, the Deputy Prime Minister's flagship scheme to create fairer opportunities to getting the best jobs.

David Miles, Chief Executive of Mears said;

"Mears works with some of the most disadvantaged people within the UK. We recognise the opportunity this gives us to make a difference and we are constantly looking for ways in which we can support the communities where we work."

"We have a large apprenticeship programme, offer work experience, go into schools, and have a graduate programme. We have signed up to the business compact because we wanted to publically show our commitment to offering opportunities to people from the most disadvantaged backgrounds. "

Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, said:

"This is an important step towards a society where it's what you know, not who you know, that counts. Working with the Coalition, the biggest hitters in Britain's business world are helping lead the way to a fairer, more open society.

"By opening their doors to young people from all walks of life, this marks the start of a culture shift at the heart of British business, driven by the belief that ability and drive should trump connections and privilege.

"I'd like to thank Mears for signing up to the Business Compact. Today's success makes me even more ambitious. This great news is just the beginning - I will be doing everything I can to bring even more businesses on board."

More than one hundred of Britain's biggest companies and top professional groups have signed the Business Compact, committing them to making entry into their professions fairer.

The Business Compact forms a key part of the Deputy Prime Minister's Social Mobility Strategy, launched in April 2011, which sets out the Government's determination to ensure every individual is free to achieve, regardless of the circumstances of their birth. Businesses which sign up to it must agree to:

  • support communities and schools to raise aspirations through, for example, reading and mentoring schemes or encouraging their staff go out to schools and inspire pupils about their careers.
  • open opportunities to all young people by advertising their work experience places through schools, online and in other public forums, rather than just giving places to their mates.
  • make access to internships open and transparent, paying interns the National Minimum Wage where they are legally entitled to it and providing financial support to ensure fair access, such as providing expenses and/or accommodation to those from less advantaged backgrounds to ensure they are not prevented from accessing opportunities by their financial circumstances
  • recruit fairly and without discrimination, ensuring that their recruitment processes don't allow candidates to be inadvertently screened out because they went to the wrong school or come from a different ethnic group (including through using name-blank and school-blank applications where appropriate).

Notes to editors

For media enquiries about Mears and our pledge to help make access to future careers fairer, please contact Abigail Lock, Head of External Relations 0780 8647836

The Mears Group is the one of the UK's largest providers of social care and social housing repair and maintenance solutions.

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