An unknown buyer signed a contract to acquire trust beneficiary interest in Matsushita IMP Bldg from MCUBS MidCity Investment Corporation (TSE:3227) for ¥27 billion on August 20, 2018. The consideration will be paid upon completion. In a related transaction, MCUBS MidCity Investment Corporation signed a contract to acquire Yokohama i-land Tower for ¥22.1 billion and divest MID REIT Kyobashi Bldg for ¥1.7 billion respectively. MCUBS MidCity and the buyer have agreed to dispose 45% co-ownership on March 8, 2019 or the date the parties agree on separate written agreement during the period from March 8, 2019 to March 15, 2019, based on the trust beneficiary right sales and purchase agreement, concluded on August 20, 2018. Matsushita IMP Bldg generates annual rent of ¥865.9 million. The transaction is expected to be completed on March 8, 2019. MCUBS MidCity will use its processed from disposition of Matsushita IMP Bldg. and MID REIT Kyobashi Bldg. to fund the acquisition. The Tanizawa Sogo Appraisal Co., Ltd. acted as appraiser. MCUBS MidCity Investment Corporation completed the disposition of 55% quasi co-ownership of trust beneficiary interests in Matsushita IMP Bldg on September 5, 2018. An unknown buyer completed the acquisition of trust beneficiary interest in Matsushita IMP Bldg from MCUBS MidCity Investment Corporation (TSE:3227) on March 8, 2019. Under the terms, MCUBS MidCity Investment Corporation completed the disposition of remaining 45% quasi co-ownership of trust beneficiary interests in Matsushita IMP Bldg for ¥12.2 billion.