On April 18, 2023, Matinas BioPharma Holdings, Inc. announced that Marisa H. Miceli, MD Professor of Medicine, Specializing in Fungal Infections and Transplant Diseases, Division of Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, at the University of Michigan and her team delivered a presentation at the 33 European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases ("ECCMID") discussing the Company's product candidate's clinical impact in treating a compassionate use patient suffering from an R. mucilaginosa ("R. mucilaginosa"), a rare and opportunistic invasive fungal infection. On April 18, 2023, the Company announced that Dr. Miceli delivered an oral presentation at the ECCMID discussing MAT2203's clinical impact in treating a caring use patient suffering from an R., mucilaginosa infection following discontinuation of treatment with IV-amphotericin B due to electrolyte abnormalities and associated toxicities. MAT2203 was well-tolerated and led to a robust clinical response with no renal adverse effects, allowing for six continuous months of daily treatment with regular outpatient monitoring.

The patient's renal function improved and remained at baseline throughout treatment. While taking MAT2203, the patient did not experience electrolyte abnormalities evident while taking IV-amphotericinB. The Company is in the final stages of planning a Phase 3 program for MAT2203 with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The Company's goal is to add to the growing body of evidence to fully evaluate the significant potential of MAT2203 in the treatment of invasive fungal infections and, if appropriate, support broader use of this investigational drug.