Marvel Biotechnology Inc. announces it has initiated its 10-day, dose-ranging toxicology study, using dogs, for its lead drug candidate MB-204. To date, the Company's MB-204 has shown positive and promising data addressing depression, anxiety as well as its potential benefit in protecting patient's vital organs while going through chemotherapy treatments. As the maximum tolerated single-dose studies have been completed, FDA guidelines for drug development next prescribe an approximately one-week multiple dosing study required to run the industry standard 4-week good lab practise (GLP) toxicology studies.

The studies are all required by the FDA prior to entering FDA Phase I human trials. MB-204 is a fluorinated derivative of the U.S. FDA approved adenosine A2a receptor antagonist, Istradefylline. Both Istradefylline and MB-204 are highly active derivatives of caffeine, the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world.

Caffeine consumption has been associated with a reduced risk for developing Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and improving concentration.