Rubicon Project and Zynga announced that for the first time ever marketers will be able to access Zynga's premium guaranteed and reserved inventory via programmatic buying. The relationship marks a first for Zynga as it makes its most premium guaranteed inventory, which was previously only available via manual sales channels, available to programmatic buyers globally through Rubicon Project's Guaranteed Orders marketplace. The inventory includes highly sought after ad units that combine unique and compelling creative content, including gamified and native ads with deep first party data insights across the high value placements including first look, limited interruption and sponsorship placements coveted by buyers.

Automated guaranteed allows buyers to access premium reserved publisher inventory in addition to unique high impact and custom publisher solutions such as sponsorships, rising stars, in-game and native placements. Rubicon Project's Guaranteed Orders platform will streamline the purchase, execution and development of gaming experiences with minimal new creative assets required from the client or brand.