On 7 January 2021, KKM issued notices ordering to close 11 of LY Corporation Limited's factories/warehouses until 16 January 2021. In addition, KKM has also verbally sought the closure of 2 additional factories/warehouses. The Group complied with the requirements of KKM by closing 13 of its factories/warehouses (including those requested by KKM verbally). The Group also carried out all necessary sanitisations and disinfections for the said closed factories/warehouses in accordance with the relevant standard operating procedures prescribed by KKM. In view of the closure of the factories/warehouses and that a majority of the Group's workers are currently under quarantine and isolation, production will be affected in the short term. However, the Group is of the view that it has sufficient financial resources to support the Group's operations through this difficult period. The financial impact on the Group will depend on, but not limited to, factors such as the timing of reopening of the factories/warehouses, the release of the workers from quarantine and isolation and further government orders. The Company will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates on the matter where necessary.