Logan Community Financial Service Ltd

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting


22 November 2021


Jason Luckhardt

54 Bryants Rd, Shailer

Brett Raguse, David Ekert, Robert Herriott, Elvio


Directors in Attendance

DiZane, Lachlan Stewart, Leanne Taylor & Kate

Park & Zoom







Chair welcomes all Directors & Shareholders - 11 shareholders present as per

attendance register

Item 1


Chair also welcomes & introduces Senior Branch Manager, Trudy Hill & Branch

Members &

Managers Joanne Duong & via Zoom David Poole


Welcome also to Josh Griffin from AFS & Associates representing the Company's

Auditor also via Zoom

The Chair introduces Directors:

Robert Herriott

David Ekert also the company Treasurer

Item 2


Lachlan Stewart

Elvio DiZane


Brett Raguse also Company Secretary

Leanne Taylor &

Kate Wakeling attending via Zoom

Item 2


Chair confirms that there is a quorum present and declares the meeting open for

business at 6.03pm

Item 4

Notice of the

The Chair states that the Notice of Annual General Meeting was sent in the mail & via


email. It was agreed that the notice could be taken as read

The minutes of the previous general meeting of members of

Item 5

Acceptance of

Logan Community Financial Services Limited held on 9 November 20209, were


approved by the board and signed by the Chairman Mr Jason Luckhardt in accordance


with the provisions of section 251A of the Corporations Act. All present are in favour

of acceptance of the previous minutes

Item 6

Proxy Votes

Mr Brett Raguse, Company Secretary, reports that the number of valid proxy forms

received at the business office of the Company by 5pm on 18 November 2021 was 12

Item 7

Chair's Address

The Chair speaks briefly to the Shareholders present

The first item of business is the consideration of the Company's Financial Report for

the year ended 30 June 2021, the Director's Report and the Auditor's Report. The

Item 8

Annual Report

Chairman asks if any questions had been put to the Auditor in writing. The Auditor

advised that there were no written questions received.

The subject of the Company's Annual Financial Report is open for discussion.

Shareholder Stephen Browns ask about the decrease in Administration & General

Expenses - Chair Jason Luckhardt commented that due to the significant impact on

margin in these more difficult times the management have maintained a prudent


control, where possible, in the area of expenditure

There were no questions regarding the management of the Company, the conduct of

the audit or the preparation and content of the auditor's report.

CHAIR: As the next item of business relates to my own re-election, I pass the chair to

Company Secretary & Director, Brett Raguse

Company Secretary: The first resolution concerns the re-election of Jason Luckhardt,

Jason a Director retiring from office in accordance with the company's Constitution and

being eligible, offers himself for re- election.

I now put the motion to the meeting

All those in favour please raise their hand

All present Shareholders

All those against please raise their hand


I declare the resolution carried

Company Secretary: I now invite Jason to resume the chair

Re- Election of

CHAIR: The second resolution concerns the re-election of Brett Raguse, Brett a Director

Item 9


retiring from office in accordance with the company's Constitution and being eligible,

Retiring by

offers himself for re- election


I now put the motion to the meeting

All those in favour please raise their hand

All present Shareholders

All those against please raise their hand


I declare the resolution carried

CHAIR: The third resolution concerns the re-election of David Ekert, David a Director

retiring from office in accordance with the company's Constitution and being eligible,

offers himself for re- election

I now put the motion to the meeting

All those in favour please raise their hand

All present Shareholders

All those against please raise their hand


I declare the resolution carried

The final item of business is the adoption of the Remuneration Report. The

Corporations Act requires a resolution that the Remuneration Report contained in the

Company's annual report be adopted, be put to a vote. The resolution is advisory only

and does not bind the directors of the Company.

Item 10


I now put the motion to the meeting


All those in favour please raise their hand

Lola Whitelaw

Stephen Brown &

David & Sharon Poole

All those against please raise their hand


I declare the resolution carried

Item 11

Close of

CHAIR: That concludes the business of the meeting.

I now close this meeting and thank you for your attendance


Meeting Close 6.16pm

Minutes submitted by: Brett Raguse, Company Secretary

B Raguse

Approved by: Jason Luckhardt, Chairman


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Logan Community Financial Services Ltd. published this content on 25 November 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 25 November 2021 04:59:07 UTC.