LIG Assets, Inc. announced the results of the two tests conducted by LIGA CEO Allan Gillis and LIGA’s partner company LiveStor America regarding the successful catching and transporting of Asian Carp. These tests focused only on the Silver Carp, which feeds on various types of plankton causing the removal of the food source for native fish species. Each mature female Silver Carp (one-year-old) can produce a million eggs per year. LiveStor America’s tests were set up with guidance from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Resources Agency which recommended conducting the test program on Lake Barkley in Kuttawa, Kentucky. The main issue with harvesting Asian Carp is that they degrade very quickly once they die, which is usually with two hours of gill netting capture. If not processed quickly or packed on ice the carp will spoil quickly and then they are then only fit for sale to the fertilizer industry which is the lowest cost return of all four possible revenue streams. If the Asian Carp are not in a degraded condition once they reach the fish processing facility they can be used for human consumption such as fish fillets or industrially commercial applications such as fish meal, lobster/crab bait and fish oil. The first test was with industry standard seafood storage crates and the newly released BioNovations Traystor crate using a modified T-250 live seafood holding, biofiltration system. After ten days, eleven fish of the initial twenty one carp were still alive and all survivors were in the BioNovations Traystor crates. After 14 days the small T-250 system could not handle the ammonia levels and the remainder of the fish in the Traystor crates system died. According to Lig Assets CEO Allan Gillis this was a not totally unexpected result. The second test conducted gave the Company the results that LiveStor was looking and hoping for. This test was done using just the Traystor crates with sixteen fish with a constant supply of lake water and the Asian Carp placed in a stack of Traystor crates on the deck of the floating dock. This test lasted 7 days with no mortality, testing was stopped due to time restrictions. This method proved LiveStor America can quickly and safely transport the Asian Carp directly to the processing facilities using the BioNovations Traystor crates.