Press Release   23 March 2010

                              Atlantic Global Plc
                       ("Atlantic Global" or "the Group")

                              Preliminary Results

Atlantic Global Plc (AIM: ATL), the specialist provider of integrated business
and resource management software applications, today announces its Preliminary
Results for the year ended 31 December 2009.

Financial and Operational Summary
  * Turnover of £1,350,000 (2008: £2,176,000)
  * Losses before taxation of £130,000 (2008 profit: £401,000)
  * The Group returned to profitability in the second half of the year
  * Net cash balance of £2,032,000 (2008: £2,159,000 )
  * Loss per share was 0.57 pence (2008: 1.40 pence)
  * New blue-chip OnDemand customers include RCUK Shared Service Centre and
    further departments within GlaxoSmithKline Plc and new Project Portfolio
    Management (PPM) software customers include ADP Dealer Services, Admiral
    Insurance, Sindicatum and Carbon Capital
  * Launch of new website and "Live Demo" area

Prospects for 2010
  * Continue to build on the progress made in 2009 by selling the next
    generation of products into the market
  * Increase customer base through innovative website and new partnership
    opportunities with selling organisations to develop routes to market

Adrian Bradshaw, Chairman of Atlantic Global commented:
"I am pleased to report these results with trading in line with the Board's
expectations.  Overall, market conditions remain challenging but feedback
received from existing and new customers, partners and potential partners
regarding the latest product launches gives the Board confidence that the
current year will show an improvement on 2009.

"The Board is satisfied with the pipeline of new business prospects as well as
the possibilities of new partnership opportunities.  The Group is pleased to
report that it has already secured approximately 63% of its budgeted 2010
support revenue and is well placed for future growth."

                                   - Ends -

For further information please contact:

 Atlantic Global Plc

 Eugene Blaine, Managing Director      Tel: +44 (0) 1274 863 300
 Rupert Hutton, Finance Director
 <                       >

  Daniel Stewart & Company plc

  Paul Shackleton / Christopher Theis   Tel: +44 (0) 207 776 6550

Media enquiries:

 Abchurch Communications

 Sarah Hollins / Nick Probert             Tel:  +44 (0) 20 7398 7715

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report Atlantic Global's results for the year ended 31 December
2009.  In the second half of the year, the Group returned to profitability,
maintained its investment in Research and Development and launched the new
Organisation Planning Module and the Client Contract and Billing Management

In the second half of the year, Atlantic Global returned to profit, with profits
before taxation of £18,000 compared with a loss of £148,000 in the first half of
2009.  This improvement is in line with the Board's expectations as expressed in
the September 2009 interim results statement and December 2009 trading update.
The Group produced losses before taxation for the twelve month period to 31
December 2009 of £130,000 (2008 profit: £401,000) while turnover was £1,350,000
(2008: £2,176,000).  This result was achieved despite the Group increasing its
investment in Research and Development as well as operating in the difficult
economic climate.  The loss per share was 0.57 pence (2008 profit per share:
1.40 pence).

Atlantic Global continued to invest in and develop its products throughout
2009, carrying out the highest level of product development in the Group's
history, both in terms of productivity and cost, £403,000 (2008: £386,000).
Despite this investment, the Group broadly maintained its net cash balance for
the period of £2,032,000 (2008: £2,159,000).

New Clients
The Group is pleased to announce that it secured an increasing number of
blue-chip OnDemand customers throughout the year.  These new customers include
RCUK Shared Service Centre and further departments within GlaxoSmithKline Plc.
The Group also gained new Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software customers,
including ADP Dealer Services, Admiral Insurance, Sindicatum and Carbon
Capital.  We made new sales to existing customers XChanging, GlaxoSmithKline,
Pfizer and EuroDirect Database Marketing.

Recurring Income
The Group's level of recurring support and maintenance income for 2009 was
£668,000 (2008: £766,000), a drop year-on-year as some clients reduced their
numbers of supported licences; however no major client terminated support.
Support revenue was also lower as Atlantic Global upgraded existing clients to
the SaaS model, securing extra revenue for the Group in the process.  The
OnDemand contracts closed during the period were £86,000, with £44,000 of these
contracts being accounted for and delivered during 2010.  This remains a solid
base for the Group, especially given the positive indication of monthly revenue
intake from the SaaS contacts.

Operating Review
Our stated aim for 2009 was to finalise the next generation of the Group's
products, so that in 2010 we could sell these products into the market.  2009
saw the launch of the new OnDemand / SaaS service which is a cost effective,
easy-to-use business management software solution designed to address the
Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Professional Services Automation (PSA) and
the Financial & Resource Forecasting markets.

The Group is very pleased with the quality and functional range of the software
and the range of deployment options developed throughout 2009.  The new OnDemand
service represents a significant investment which has been ongoing since March
2006.   It provides Atlantic Global and its customers with the following

  * Deployment - the OnDemand product provides a flexible range of deployment
    options ranging from:

      * On-Premise:  Traditional Client Installation
      * Hosted: Dedicated Customer Installation on Atlantic Global's dedicated
        outsourced infrastructure or
      * OnDemand:  All customers share the same Atlantic Global Software as a
        Service (SaaS) outsourced infrastructure.

  * Wider Geographic Coverage - the OnDemand product has complete Multi-Currency
    and Multi-Lingual capability with English (UK), English (US) and French
    provided as standard.  Additional languages are available on request, as
    demanded by customers.

Routes to Market
Atlantic Global continues to develop its routes to market through a mixture of
direct and indirect selling organisations.  We believe that the new
functionality and the ease of deployment has made it easier for the Group to
partner with other organisations as this has removed the need for partners to
have the expert technical skills to install the product.  The Group has
negotiated an active sales partnership agreement and are actively exploring
several further partner opportunities.  Atlantic Global is also now able to
penetrate the small user market almost remotely, aiming at sub 100 users which
in current market conditions could be an attractive market to us, as the use of
SaaS applications increases apace.

Sales and Marketing
The Group has made significant progress in this area with the launch of its new
website, <>.

The new website includes a new resource centre
) where customers can register to access online video tutorials and
download the latest product literature, product updates and case studies.

In addition, the new "Live Demo" area has been launched
(  This enables prospective
customers to easily register and use the product through the use of a
demonstration database.  When a user logs into the website, they can choose to
simulate a range of configurations which have been created to address the three
key markets as described above.  We continually analyse the traffic on the
website and in the "Live Demo" database which provides a valuable source of
sales leads.

This new approach allows for potential customers to trial with the system prior
to receiving a demonstration from the Group.  These prospective customers can
continue to use the system afterwards to help resolve any queries that they may

This has the advantage of giving customers greater access to our solution and
lowers the administration and sales effort dealing with early stage enquiries.
This provides a valuable means of qualifying sales leads as it often means that
prospective customers who are in contact with the Group after having had a high
level of exposure to our solutions should be further down their sales cycle.

The "Live Demo" is a key selling tool which means that Atlantic Global can now
effectively sell its solution worldwide 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.  The
"Live Demo" area also provides a useful platform for existing customers to
explore new features.

Repurchase of Company Shares
For a number of years, Atlantic Global has maintained relatively high cash
levels reflecting the cash generative nature of the business.  The return on
this surplus cash is increasingly modest and the Directors believe that this
cash could be better used by continuing to repurchase some of the Company's
shares for cancellation.  The Directors believe this will enhance shareholder
value and accordingly, we will seek re-approval at the forthcoming Annual
General Meeting from shareholders to repurchase up to 10% of the Company's
outstanding share capital from time to time.  During 2009, the Company
repurchased 313,000 shares at a cost of just over £51,000.

Current Trading
In the year to date, trading is in line with the Board's expectations.  Overall,
market conditions remain challenging but feedback received from existing and new
customers, partners and potential partners regarding the latest product launches
gives the Board confidence that the current year will show an improvement on

The Board is satisfied with the pipeline of new business prospects as well as
the possibilities of new partnership opportunities.  The Group is pleased to
report that it has already secured approximately 63% of its budgeted 2010
support revenue.

Annual General Meeting
We shall be holding our AGM on 6 May 2010 at the Group's Head Office at Woodland
Park, Bradford Road, Chain Bar, Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire, BD19 6BW.

The Board extends the invitation to all shareholders in the hope that as many as
possible attend.

The Directors are not proposing a full year dividend for the year ended 31
December 2009, (2008: 0.4 pence per share). The Directors will return to their
progressive dividend policy once there is a return to profitability.

We recognise the contribution, commitment and enthusiasm made by all Group
employees during 2009 which was a difficult year and which involved a
significant effort to further develop Atlantic Global's products and identify
routes to market.

Adrian Bradshaw
23 March 2010

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 31 December 2009

                                                                 2009      2008

                                                                £ 000     £ 000

 Revenue                                                        1,350     2,176

 Cost of sales                                                  (927)   (1,186)

                                                               ------- ---------
 Gross profit                                                     423       990
                                                               ------- ---------

 Administration and other operating expenses                    (569)     (686)

                                                               ------- ---------
 Operating (loss) / profit                                      (146)       304

 Finance income                                                    16        97

 (Loss)/profit before tax                                       (130)       401

 Income tax credit/(expense)                                        -      (81)
                                                               ------- ---------

                                                               ------- ---------
 (Loss)/profit and total comprehensive income for the period
 attributable to owners of the parent                           (130)       320
                                                               ------- ---------

  (Loss) / Earnings per share

  Basic & diluted (pence)           (0.57)p       1.40p
                                  -----------   ---------

Consolidated statement of changes in equity
for the 12 months ended 31 December 2009

 12 months ended 31 December  Share    Share  Merger   Profit    Capital  Total
 2009                        Capital premium reserve and loss redemption
                                     account          account     reserve

                                £000    £000    £000     £000        £000  £000

 Balance brought forward at    1,139   1,578   2,538     (59)           6 5,202
 1 January 2009

 Dividends paid                    -       -       -     (91)           -  (91)

 Share buy back                 (16)       -       -     (52)          16  (52)

 Transactions with owners       (16)       -       -    (143)          16 (143)

 Loss and total                    -       -       -    (130)           - (130)
 comprehensive expense for
 the period

 Balance at 31 December 2009   1,123   1,578   2,538    (332)          22 4,929

 12 months ended 31 December  Share    Share  Merger   Profit    Capital  Total
 2008                        Capital premium reserve and loss redemption
                                     account          account     reserve

                                £000    £000    £000     £000        £000  £000

 Balance brought forward at    1,145   1,578   2,538    (234)           - 5,027
 1 January 2008

 Dividends paid                    -       -       -    (125)           - (125)

 Share buy back                  (6)       -       -     (20)           6  (20)

 Transactions with owners        (6)       -       -    (145)           6 (145)

 Profit and total                  -       -       -      320           -   320
 comprehensive income for
 the period

 Balance at 31 December 2008   1,139   1,578   2,538     (59)           6 5,202

Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at 31 December 2009

                                                           2009      2008

                                                         £ 000     £ 000


  Non-current assets

  Intangible assets                                       2,792     2,792

  Property, plant and equipment                              13        15

  Deferred tax asset                                         52         9
  Total non-current assets                                2,857     2,816

  Current assets

  Trade and other receivables                               507       936

  Income tax receivable                                      12         -

  Cash and cash equivalents                               2,032     2,159
                                                          2,551     3,095

  Total assets                                            5,408     5,911

  Equity and liabilities


  Current liabilities

  Trade and other payables                                  479       681

  Income tax payable                                          -        28
  Total liabilities                                         479       709

  Equity attributable to owners of the parent

  Share capital                                           1,123     1,139

  Share premium account                                   1,578     1,578

  Merger reserve                                          2,538     2,538

  Retained earnings                                       (332)      (59)

  Capital redemption reserve                                 22         6
  Total equity                                            4,929

  Total equity and liabilities                            5,408     5,911

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 December 2009

                                                            2009           2008

                                                            £000           £000

 Cash flows from operating activities

 (Loss)/profit for the year                                (130)            320

 Adjustments for:

 Financial income                                           (16)           (97)

 Income tax                                                    -             81

 Depreciation                                                 10             14

 Operating (loss)/profit before changes in
 working capital and provisions                            (136)            318

 Decrease in trade and other receivables                     429            431

 (Decrease) in trade and other payables                    (202)           (86)

 Income tax (paid)/received                                 (83)              8

 Net cash from operating activities                            8            671

 Cash flows from investing activities

 Interest received                                            16             97

 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                (8)           (10)

 Net cash from investing activities                            8             87

 Cash flows from financing activities

 Purchase of own shares                                     (52)           (20)

 Dividends paid                                             (91)          (125)

 Net cash used in financing activities                     (143)          (145)

 Net   (decrease)/increase  in  cash  and  cash
 equivalents                                               (127)            613

 Cash  and cash equivalents at the beginning of
 the period                                                2,159          1,546

 Cash  and cash  equivalents at  the end of the
 period                                                    2,032          2,159


Relating to the consolidated financial statements

1 Publication of non-statutory financial statements

The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Sections 434 and 435 of the
Companies Act 2006.

The consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement
of changes in equity, the consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2009 and the
consolidated cash flow statement have been extracted from the Group's financial
statements upon which the auditors opinion is unqualified and does not include
any statement under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. Those
financial statements have not yet been delivered to the Registrar.

The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2008 have been delivered
to the registrar, contained an unqualified audit report and did not include a
statement under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The audited accounts will be posted to all shareholders in due course and will
be available on request by contacting the Company Secretary at the Company's
Registered Office.

2 Basis of preparation

The preliminary announcement has been prepared under the historic cost
convention and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.

3 Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per share at 31 December 2009 was based on the
(loss)/profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of £(130,000) (2008:
£320,000) and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding of
22,664,024 (2008: 22,862,692).

Diluted earnings per share

There were no potentially dilutive options in issue in 2009 or 2008 and
consequently there is no difference between basic and diluted earnings per

4 Share capital

                                                              2009    2008

                                                              £000    £000


  75,000,000 Ordinary shares of 5p each                      3,750   3,750

  Allotted, called up and fully paid

  22,471,350 (2008: 22,784,350) Ordinary shares of 5p each   1,123   1,139

The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared
from time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the

The movement in shares in the year relates to the purchase of 313,000 ordinary
shares of 5p by the company.
