KBR announced the release of Asset Ikigai, an ISO 55001-certified, next generation asset management framework to help customers maximize the value they can realize from their physical asset portfolios. Asset Ikigai combines asset management activities, information, programs and strategies into a single data, analytics and process framework. It includes a cloud-based, asset analytics tool that is now available to government and commercial customers worldwide.

KBR developed Asset Ikigai to help its customers transition to next generation asset management (NxAM). NxAM represents a paradigm shift in how asset portfolios are managed, transitioning from a narrow, process-focused, maintenance-centric approach to a multi-disciplinary, interdependent, data-centric, asset-focused approach. Consequently, the Asset Ikigai analytics offering spans the entire asset lifecycle and encompasses maintenance, reliability, capital planning, capital project execution, asset risk management, and energy and sustainability.

Because it is vendor agnostic and technology neutral, Asset Ikigai leverages existing customer systems and technologies, including digital tools, such as smart sensors, Internet of Things (IoT), digital twins, artificial intelligence and machine learning.