(Alliance News) - The FIGC's Federal Court of Appeals on Monday released the grounds for its ruling against Juventus Football Club Spa, which was penalized 15 points in the league for committing "a sporting disciplinary offence." The penalty, it reads, takes into account "the seriousness and repeated and prolonged nature of the violation."

"The conduct of Juventus and its directors and managers violates Article 4, paragraph 1, CGS as well as Article 31, paragraph 1, CGS," the text reads. "All these considerations therefore lead to a sanction that must also be proportionate to the inevitable alteration of the sporting result that ensued by attempting to remedy such an alteration, just as it must be proportionate to the failure to comply with the principles of proper management that the FIGC Statute itself imposes as a clause of a general nature on sports clubs."

The reasons include, "If anything, with a distinctive aggravating factor with respect to any precedent: specifically with regard to FC Juventus, the pervasiveness at every level of the awareness of the artificiality of the modus operandi of the club itself is striking. From the then sports director Paratici to his immediate manager Cherubini. From board chairman Agnelli to the entire board itself, cited as aware by Agnelli himself. All the way down to the major shareholder and CEO Arrivabene and again through all the key executives, including those with financial and legal expertise. In some cases, with an all-round awareness of the artificiality of the operations conducted. In other cases, with a more superficial or perhaps even bona fide awareness - we are also referring to the team's coach -, but nevertheless capable of suggesting that everyone was directly or indirectly aware of a condition that was now out of control."

In recent days, the Figc Court of Appeals had granted the prosecutor's petition requesting the reopening of the capital gains trial, also sanctioning the managers. Two and a half years of inhibition for Paratici, two years to Agnelli and Arrivabene, one year and four months to Cherubini, and eight months to Nedved.

Juventus is down 1.0 percent to EUR0.30 per share.

By Chiara Bruschi, Alliance News reporter

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