Sparekassen Himmerland A/S (CPSE:SPHIM) agreed to acquire Sparekassen Hobro on October 28, 2013. Pursuant to the transaction, the combined entity will be known as Jutlander Bank. As of December 20, 2013, the transaction has been approved by Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen, the Danish Competition Council and it is still subject to approval by the Board of Directors and Finanstilsynet. As of January 2, 2014, Board of Directors of Sparekassen Himmerland approved the transaction. As of January 7, 2014, Finanstilsynet, Danish Financial Supervisory Authority approved the transaction. ATRIUM Partners A/S acted as financial advisor for Sparekassen Himmerland A/S and Sparekassen Hobro.

Sparekassen Himmerland A/S (CPSE:SPHIM) completed the acquisition of Sparekassen Hobro on January 7, 2014.