iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that the partner Careium Sweden AB is now starting the implementation of Dosell in two more municipalities in Sweden.

The municipalities, which together have approximately 13,500 residents aged 65 and over, initially start with 10 Dosells and then gradually increase the number.

Lack of adherence to medication is a major societal problem, which requires large resources to deal with. Dosell solves medication management in an efficient way and thus frees up the staff's time for care.

"We look forward to continuing the implementation of Dosell in more municipalities in the future and thereby working for greater independence for care recipients," says Martin Puumalainen Director Nordics and International for Careium AB

About Careium
Careium is one of the leading players in welfare technology in Europe and around 400,000 people use their services. The vast majority of these are connected to one of the company's four alarm centers in Sweden, Norway and Great Britain. The alarm centers receive more than 25,000 alarms a day. Read more at careium.com

About Dosell
The medicinal robot Dosell is a Swedish-made digital aid for safer medication at home and for people living in nursing homes. Dosell is integrated into welfare platforms and is sold as one of several integrated digital aids via partners.
In a Swedish report, it is estimated that 3,000 Swedes die annually from drug-related injuries and that 6–16 percent of hospital admissions are drug-related. The costs for drug-related injuries that can be avoided are estimated at SEK 5.6–24.6 billion per year.
Dosell notifies the patient when it's time to take the medicine, and if the medicine is not taken despite the reminders, Dosell alerts healthcare professionals or relatives who can quickly prevent an injury and improve compliance, thus minimizing drug-related injuries.
Read more at www.dosell.com

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