City Merchants High Yield Trust Limited

Statement re Compliance with the Model Code

Listing Rule 15.5.1 - Transactions in a close period

In accordance with LR 15.5.1(4), the Directors of City Merchants High Yield
Trust Limited (`the Company') confirm that they are satisfied that all inside
information which the Directors and the Company have leading up to the
announcement of the annual financial results has been notified to a Regulated
Information Service and therefore dealings as referred to in LR 15.5.1(3) are
permitted. Should the Directors or the Company come into possession of inside
information before the annual financial results are announced this will be
notified to a RIS before any such dealings are transacted.

Issued for and on behalf of City Merchants High Yield Trust Limited.


Hilary Jones
R&H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited
Telephone: 01534 825323

02 January 2014