Park OO, Kim OO, Kim OO and OO entered into an agreement to acquire 6.8% stake in Hyunjin Materials co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053660) from IntroMedic Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A150840) for KRW 5.9 billion on November 19, 2019. Under the terms, Park OO, Kim OO, Kim OO and OO will acquire 0.60 million share each for KRW 1.48 billion each. IntroMedic will transfer 2.41 million share of Hyunjin Materials for KRW 2,450 per share.

The first down payment of KRW 400 million will be done on November 19, 2019, the medium plating of KRW 2.56 billion will be paid on November 27, 2019 and the balance of KRW 2.96 billion will be paid on December 6, 2019. As of November 27, 2019, KRW 4 billion was paid on November 19, 2019 and remaining balance will be paid on December 6, 2019. Post completion, IntroMedic will no longer hold any stake in Hyunjin Materials.

The new largest shareholder of Hyunjin Materials will be The E & M. The transaction is expected to close on December 6, 2019.