Instone Real Estate Group SE (XTRA:INS) commences share repurchases on March 18, 2022, under the program mandated by the Annual General Meeting held on June 13, 2019. As per the mandate, the company is authorized to repurchase up to 3,698,833 shares, representing 10% of its issued share capital, such that the company's holding in treasury together with the shares repurchased does not exceed 10% of its issued share capital at any point of time. If the purchase of the shares is effected on the stock market or via a public purchase offer, the purchase price/offer price (excluding ancillary purchasing costs) should meet the arithmetic mean of the share prices (Closing auction prices of the shares in XETRA trading or on any comparable trading system substituting XETRA) at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange within the last three stock exchange trading days prior to the purchase or the entering into an obligation to purchase by no more than 10% above or below this amount. The repurchased shares may be cancelled, sold against non-cash contribution to acquire companies, divisions of companies or equity interests in companies, to fulfill obligations of the company arising from warrants and conversion options or the conversion obligations from warrant-linked or convertible bonds (or combinations of these instruments), to holders of warrant-linked bonds or convertible bonds which have been issued by the company or by companies which are controlled by it or in which it holds a majority interest. The program is valid until June 12, 2024. As of May, 2019, the company had 36,988,336 shares in issue and no shares in treasury.

On February 10, 2022, the company announced a share repurchase program. Under the program, the company will repurchase 2,349,416 shares for €50 million (excluding ancillary purchasing costs). The Management Board intends to use the acquired shares primarily for financing for future growth investments. The repurchase will commence from March 18, 2022, and is valid until December 31, 2022.