Pursuant to the article L. 233-8 II of the French « Code de Commerce » and the article 223-16 of the French stock-market authorities (Autorité des Marchés Financiers, or "AMF") charter, Innate Pharma SA (the "Company" - Euronext Paris: FR0010331421 - IPH) releases its total number of shares outstanding as well as its voting rights as at December 31, 2014:

Total number of shares outstanding: 52,970,392

Total number of theoretical voting rights (1): 52,970,392

Total number of exercisable voting rights (2): 52,937,082

(1) The total number of theoretical voting rights (or "gross" voting rights) is used as the basis for calculating the crossing of shareholding thresholds. In accordance with Article 223-11 of the AMF General Regulation, this number is calculated on the basis of all shares to which voting rights are attached, including shares whose voting rights have been suspended.

(2) The total number of exercisable voting rights (or "net" voting rights) is calculated without taking into account the shares with suspended voting rights, in this case, shares held by the Company in the context of a liquidity agreement. It is released so as to ensure that the market is adequately informed, in accordance with the recommendation made by the AMF on July 17, 2007.

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