IDEXX Laboratories announced that it launched its new kidney test, called SDMA to transform the way veterinarians diagnose and treat kidney disease in cats and dogs. The company added that the new IDEXX SDMA test has been shown to detect kidney disease when only 40% function has been lost, on average, and in some cases even earlier, allowing veterinarians to provide more effective intervention, including prescription of therapeutic diets, renal protective drugs and avoidance of renal toxic drugs. This new test incorporates proprietary technology that allows SDMA to be measured on routine high throughput clinical chemistry analyzers used in its reference labs in a highly cost effective fashion and at the same rapid turnaround time as the rest of a chemistry panel, according to the company.

In conjunction, the company intends to include the SDMA kidney test in all routine reference lab chemistry profiles at no additional cost to the customer. More than half request for a chemistry panel and almost all customers who use IDEXX as their primary reference lab routinely request lab requisitions that include chemistry testing.