IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. announced an update to its SediVue Dx Urine Sediment Analyzer with its Neural Network 4.0 software release, expanding the analyzer's diagnostic capabilties. This update will be implemented across all SediVue Dx analyzer customers by the end of March, and reflects IDEXX's ongoing commitment to support the profession, advancing the standard of care with innovation.  This update includes two new parameters that aid in assessing liver function and blood disorders in critical care situations. IDEXX's nearly 6,000 SediVue Dx analyzer customers worldwide will benefit from this release and the enhanced medical capabilities of the instrument when performing urine sediment analysis, a core component of a urinalysis. The two new crystals—ammonium biurate and bilirubin—form in the urine when certain liver dysfunction and blood disorders are present. These additional parameters help veterinarians understand when a patient might have a very serious liver or blood disease that requires immediate intervention. An enhanced focus algorithm also provides even more detailed images in certain circumstances that enable more accurate identification of sediment in even the most complex samples. This software update is powered by the world's largest veterinary database of 175 million veterinary patient-generated images from more than 2.5 million fresh patient urine samples.