Icelandair Group hf. reported operating results for the month and year to date ended June 2024. For the month, the company's total number of Passengers was 514,211 against 518,527 a year ago. Load factor was 83.4% compared to 85.9% a year ago. ASK was 1,926 million against 1,867 million a year ago. RPK was 1,607 million against 1,604 million a year ago.

For the year to date, the company's total number of Passengers was 1,975,054 against 1,845,263 a year ago. Load factor was 79.7% compared to 81.5% a year ago. ASK was 7,422 million against 6,581 million a year ago. RPK was 5,914 million against 5,366 million a year ago.