Hoe Leong Corporation Ltd. announced the cessation of Choy Bing Choong as Lead Independent Director, Remuneration Committee Chairman, and a member of the Audit and Nominating Committees. Mr. Choy serves as the Lead Independent Director of the Company since 1 September 2019. He has recently been re-designated as an Executive Chairman in Natural Cool Holdings Limited from an Executive Director and Group Operating Officer.

In view of his new role, Mr. Choy has decided to step down as an Independent Director to devote more time to his expanded role. 1. HMK Energy Pte Ltd; 2. P. T. Harpindo Mitra Kharisma; 3. HMK Investments Ltd.; and 4. Neo Group Limited. Other DirectorShips Present 1. Natural Cool Holdings Limited; 2. Hiap Tong Corporation Ltd; and 3. Zhongmin Baihui Retail Group Ltd.