HemaCare Corporation announced two new hires in senior leadership positions. Dr. Dominic Clarke joins the company as Global Head of Cell Therapy, and Dr. Brad Taylor arrives as Senior Product Manager. The expertise by both Dr. Clarke and Dr. Taylor will enhance HemaCare in the development of new products and services which support cell therapy and product lifecycle management. Dr. Dominic Clarke joins the company in Los Angeles after previous positions held at Charter Medical and BioLife Solutions. At Charter Medical, Dr. Clarke successfully launched their first FDA 510(K) approved product for cell & gene therapy manufacturing use and was instrumental in positioning the company as a leading supplier to the industry. While at BioLife, Dr. Clarke led the research and development to support the critical role of bio preservation in maintaining viable, functional cell-based materials. With a Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology from Binghamton University in New York and a postdoctoral fellowship in cell and developmental biology from SUNY Upstate Medical University, Dr. Clarke will offer scientific insight, product development strategy, and advanced support to HemaCare's growing customer base. Dr. Brad Taylor, formerly a Product Manager at Perkin-Elmer, will manage the HemaCare product lifecycle strategy and work to maximize opportunities with existing products, as well as launch new products.