From the beginning of May 2014, Stefan Orbach (50) will be the new head of IT (CIO) at Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg). After completing his studies in geophysics in Hamburg, Germany, and Sydney, Australia, he began his career in 1992 as a project manager at Alcatel SEL AG in Stuttgart, Germany. In 1999, after a spell as a consultant, he was put in charge of process optimization and application engineering for branches of Deutsche Post AG. In mid-2000, Mr. Orbach joined IBM Global Business Services, where he was responsible for IT service and consulting for consumer goods customers in western and eastern Europe. In 2007, he was given overall responsibility for the company's ERP (enterprise resource planning) system operations that catered to larger medium-sized businesses in Germany. Mr. Orback has been head of IT at Carl Zeiss AG in Oberkochen, Germany, since 2008. In his role as CIO, he has been in charge of global IT, process management, in-house consulting, and the group management system. He has also brought IT operations into line with the company's strategic and operational objectives.   

At Heidelberg, Mr. Orbach will be responsible for global IT operations and some 300 employees. His future tasks will include overseeing ongoing optimization in IT and business process structures based on the company's new business alignment.

Mr. Orbach is taking over from Uwe Herold, who has left the company at his own request. He is married and has one child.

Figure 1: Stefan Orbach (50), the new CIO at Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) from May.

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Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Corporate Public Relations
Thomas Fichtl
Phone +49 (0)6221 92-5900
Fax: +49 (0)6221 92-5088

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