Healthtech Solutions Inc. announced that the Board of Directors increased the number of members of the Board to four and appointed Mr. Pesoli to fill the vacancy on the Board and Mr. Pesoli to serve as Senior Vice President of HLTT. . Mr. Pesoli has been engaged in the practice of business law since graduating law school in 2009.

He also has over 10 years of experience in business management. In 2012 Mr. Pesoli co-founded Sonic Cleaning Services, LLC, which provided non-professional staff to skilled nursing and long-term care facilities throughout the Midwest. Mr. Pesoli and his partners sold that business and separated from it in 2015.

In 2018 Mr. Pesoli co-founded Disruptive Media Partners, LLC, a media and entertainment consulting firm that provided financing, deal strategy and global production services to film producers and others in the entertainment industry. In 2019 Mr. Pesoli launched Munitech, LLC, an SaaS provider of e-platforms for government services. In 2020 Mr. Pesoli joined World Reach Health LLC as CEO.

Mr. Pesoli graduated from The John Marshall Law School in 2009.