Guided Therapeutics, Inc. announced that leading physicians from four medical centers have completed their review and signed off on the study results for submission to the Chinese National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). Approximately 460 women were tested with LuViva at four leading hospitals in China. There were no adverse events reported with the use of LuViva during the study, proving once again that LuViva is safe when used as directed.

The study was led by Professor Dr. Kong Beihua of Qilu Hospital at Shandong University and Dr. Sui Long, Director of the Gynecology Hospital at Fudan University. Professor Kong is the current Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Society. Dr. Sui has summarized the results of the four clinics and his report, along with other information required by NMPA, is expected to be filed within the next four to five weeks.

While the actual results in terms of test accuracy will be known when filed with NMPA, the physicians who reviewed and compiled the data believe the results are ?well above that expected by NMPA? and therefore ?are expected to result in approval of LuViva for sale in China.? .