Guerbet today unveiled its strategic priorities for 2023 in a complex international environment that it describes as "demanding and buoyant". Guerbet intends to capitalize on its core target activities and established positions.

In the diagnostic imaging market, where it generates almost 90% of its sales, Guerbet believes that 2023 will mark an important milestone with the marketing in the United States of the first batches of its brand new EluciremTM product.
In Europe, review by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is expected in the second half of the year.

In interventional imaging, Guerbet is counting on the commercial development and broadening of applications for Lipiodol - a standard in the treatment of liver cancer. The development potential for new innovative indications appears significant", says the Group, referring in particular to the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, venous diseases and post-surgery and cancer disorders.

Guerbet also plans to gradually withdraw from its micro-catheter activities historically housed within Accurate Medical Therapeutics and to sell the Occlugel technology acquired in 2018.

Finally, in the field of artificial intelligence Guerbet reports 'very promising' results in 2022 in the detection of liver lesions and prostate cancers.

"The commercial development of the solutions will benefit from the licensing agreement expected to be concluded in the first half of 2023 with the company
Intrasense", adds the Group.

Ultimately, Guerbet aims to become 'a major player in artificial intelligence applied to medical imaging in oncology'.

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