Greenridge Exploration Inc. announced its KorrAI Technology Program at the Nut Lake Project located in the Thelon Basin in Nunavut. The Company will leverage KorrAI?s advanced earth observation technology in identifying mineralized outcrops across the Project. KorrAI will execute its Program in the coming weeks to aid the Company?s 2024 summer exploration activities.

KorrAI?s proprietary technologies and processes fuse a variety of datasets and integrate known mineralized analogues and other internal company data to identify high-priority areas of interest. The technology will aim to allow the Company to be more efficient in potentially discovering mineralized outcrops by leveraging revolutionary systems across the entire Project. The Company will utilize KorrAI?s exploration data management solution for its Nut Lake Project and will be provided with geospatial data products derived using proprietary algorithms including: Outcrop mapping using artificial intelligence to detect and digitize outcrop features; Radon Stress Analysis which will provide the Company with potential uranium targets under till cover; Iron oxide signatures over mapped outcrops; Integration of existing geological and field sampling data for the establishment of a baseline AL/ML prospectivity model; and Definition of exploration targets for field sampling and model validation.